Taxes Are Changing – Find Out How You Can Save on Your Income Taxes

How You Can Save on Taxes

With a stroke of a pen, the president signed the new tax reform law into existence. The law, which is formally known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, takes effect on January 1, 2018. The act will mean millions of businesses and consumers will see their taxes change for the 2018 filing cycle. The law is widely known to reduce the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent. Many individual income brackets change as well. So how can you save on your taxes for next year? How You Can Save on Taxes Standard Deduction Taxpayers have the option of either itemizing their taxes or taking the standard deduction. The standard deduction is the first few thousand dollars … Read more

Getting Back Your Money – How to Claim an Income Tax Refund

How to Claim an Income Tax Refund

When it comes to income taxes, many people experience confusion as it is not always an easy topic to understand. They don’t know how to claim an income tax refund. During the tax year, you may find that you have not paid enough income tax and that you, therefore, owe money to the government as a result of this. However, it also works the other way. You are eligible to receive an income tax refund when you have paid more tax to the government than your actual tax liability. In this article, I will talk about the basics of claiming a tax refund if you have overpaid. What you need to do if you believe you are due a refund  … Read more

Compare Equity Release – A Quick Overview for Homeowners

12 Things You Should Know Before Buying A House

By the time you reach your middle to late 50s, you are likely to have made a considerable investment in your home – which hopefully represents a significant capital value in the equity you own. You might want to unlock that capital and put it to better use: to supplement or bolster your pension income after retirement; find an alternative to “downsizing”, without having to move home; if you are coming to the end of an interest-only mortgage, you might need the cash to make the final capital repayment; use the equity in your home to pay off other debts; or take the extended world cruise or holiday of a lifetime you had always promised yourself. These may be just … Read more

The Simple Answers to Investing You Need to Know

Investing with Behavioral Finance

Are you having trouble making a decision when it comes to investing? Do you find yourself overthinking your options of what investment or which investment company to choose and then unable to make a choice? In this article, we will provide some insight into why we tend to over-analyze and not accept the simple answers to investing that come to us, and how to get past it. We have all heard countless times that it’s important to plan your finances in order to achieve your goals. However, having a plan does not matter if no action is taken afterward. A recent study by the ANBIMA (Brazilian Financial and Capital Markets Association) provides some insight into how our approaches to planning … Read more

What Happens if You Don’t Pay Your Debts

Should you invest or pay off debt?

Many people go for credit to sort emergencies and situations that cannot be avoided. Others get loans to finance their businesses with a promise to repay within a specified period of time. However, things happen that are beyond your control that make repayment impossible. Defaulting your loan, credit card, or even utility payments could see you rub shoulders with debt collection agencies, and this could mean a number of things. You need to understand the consequences of defaulting a loan so you can prepare well while taking one. Your Credit Report Is Impacted One of the things you don’t want to mess with is your credit score, which will determine if you will get a loan approved by other lenders … Read more

Why We Hate Salespeople – One Hurdle People in Sales Need to Overcome

How Clients Buy

The following is a guest post by Tom McMakin is the author of “How Clients Buy” (Wiley, 2017) and the CEO of Profitable Ideas Exchange (PIE). If you’d like to contribute a guest post to Money Q&A, be sure to check out our guest posting guidelines. A woman with a fuchsia jacket and large hoop earrings works to upsell us. “Are you interested in the cold-weather package and undercarriage protection.” A guy at the mall jewelry store with pants that hang impossibly low peers over the counter and says, “We find a good rule of thumb is three months’ salary on an engagement ring. Not sure what you make, but I wanted to show you this $15,000 princess cut.” Most of … Read more