4 Tips on Turning the Corner in Your Forex Trading Career

Essential Tech for Currency Trading Online

For most people, the decision to enter the world of Forex trading is mostly about making more money. While this type of trading will not make you an overnight success, it can provide you with a steady stream of income. In order to have success as a trade on platforms like metatrader 5 web, you will need to devote some time to researching the various currency markets. The last thing you need to do as a new trader is to start trading real money from the outset. Utilizing the power of demo Forex trading accounts is a great idea. With these demo accounts, you can build up some confidence before starting to invest actual money. Once you are ready to … Read more

How High Can We Expect Bitcoin to Go this Year?

How Secure Are Transactions Done Through Bitcoins?

Bitcoin hit a record $9,000 price in November 2017 after setting a series of record highs and is now near the $20,000 mark. You can find as many articles expecting the bubble to burst as saying it will pass $20,000. How far can we expect Bitcoin to go this year? And what are the long-term prospects for cryptocurrencies in general? We’ll discuss the trends bolster Bitcoin pricing now and in the future. Legitimization One factor affecting Bitcoin prices in the future is the legitimization of it. For example, the SEC was, at the time of writing, considering approval of a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund. People can buy ETFs for energy and medical companies with their retirement accounts since the wholesale rollout … Read more

What You Should Know Before Investing in Stocks

Should You Wait for a Stock Market Correction Before Investing?

Investing is a financial necessity. If we want our money to grow and to provide for us in our retirement, we need to place it in some type of instrument that will increase its value continually until it is time to draw it out. One of the most time-honored techniques for doing so is getting involved in the stock market. Stocks have proven to be a profitable option over the decades, in spite of depressions, recessions, and downturns. As a result, a very high percentage of people choose to invest in the stock market. What to Know Before Investing in Stocks But, it is not something that should be done lightly. For all the people who have made millions in … Read more

Silver Bar Buying Guide – Top 4 Things You Need to Know

Buy Silver Bars

Silver, as a pure metal, is used in many areas including as jewelry and for investment purposes. Just like any other precious metal, it can be used in wealth accumulation. However, one of the easiest ways to include silver in your portfolio of precious wealth investment is through the purchase of silver bars. In spite of this, the process of buying silver bars can be overwhelming especially for beginners since there are certain details that you need to know. This article provides a brief buying guide to help you in buying your first silver bars. Understand the terms used Just like any other trade, buying and selling silver bars has specific terms that are used. For example, the unit of … Read more

Why We Tend to Save for Vacation and Not for Retirement

Why We Tend to Save for Vacation and Not for Retirement

Americans are often supposed to be too hard-working. Half of the workers do not use all the vacation days they have. According to NerdWallet research, we prefer getaways, but before it, we should plan our long-term finances. Nowadays more than 63% of Americans want to go on vacation in the following half a year. In 2009, this figure was 33%. That year was a year of Great Recession, but it shows us anyway how far we are from this point. Skipping the relaxation seems to be boring, but some data show that your overall happiness increases afterward. Studies, conducted in the U.S., Norway, Spain, and Ireland show that it gives contentment to old people to understand their financial stability for … Read more

Need, want, would-like

How to Separate Needs vs Wants

We’d all love to be rich, wouldn’t we? Or at least, we’d all love to be well off enough to be able to do what we want, and buy what we want, without having to consider the cost every time. Finding a good deal is always satisfying, but having to find a price you can afford all the time is not so much fun. When you are constantly balancing your income and outgoings, always having to compromise between what you want and what you can actually afford can get quite tiresome. And if things are really tight, even the smallest of treats can leave you feeling guilty for wasting your precious cash. So how do you avoid the constant battle … Read more