Gimme that Credit! 4 Helpful Tips to Improve Your Credit Score

According to one study, 16% of Americans have bad credit. If you fall in that percentage, you might be wondering what you can do to improve your credit score. Thankfully, we know how to get you to the credit score range that you want to be in, so keep reading to figure out how you can reach the highest credit score and improve your credit score! 1. Make Each Payment One of the first things you need to do is make sure that you make each payment on time. While paying off your credit cards and loans are important, you should also focus on making other payments on time as well. You might not think that your gym membership, rent, … Read more

What Is USD Coin and Why Should You Invest In It?

usd coin

What is USD Coin, and Why Should You Invest in it? The yields have bottomed out and stayed there for a good part of the previous decade. The Fed’s monetary policy is expected to remain loose for the foreseeable future, leaving investors with unimpressive returns on savings accounts and CDs. This naturally motivates investors to look for alternatives. Ideally, equities would have taken care of investors’ plight. However, they would need to take on significantly more risk or be satisfied with yields of below 3% by investing in non-discretionary industries like utilities.  In such a landscape, the USD coin offers a compelling opportunity. Some platforms offer yields as high as 9% on USDC, which means this stablecoin easily edges out … Read more

8 Tips for Maximizing Compensation in a Personal Injury Case

Getting injured in today’s world can spell financial ruin for most workplace accident victims, but stacking medical bills and evaporating career potential doesn’t have to be an unpreventable financial wound. With the help of a personal injury attorney, like those from Schwartzapfel Lawyers, you can conquer these turbulent times without missing a beat. In addition to being master negotiators, these legal professionals can help you maximize compensation and grant you peace of mind in the face of debilitating injuries.  While leaning on legal experts will help you score faster compensation and build a rock-solid case, you’ll need to do your due diligence to minimize missteps. Before filing your personal injury case, there are eight tips and tricks to help you … Read more

Pinching Pennies? 7 Tips for Cutting College Costs

Is your child getting ready to fly the nest and soar into the next phase of life in college? If so, it’s probably time to get down to the nitty-gritty and make sure that their next adventure won’t break your bank.  It’s no secret that college is expensive. However, it’s also a hugely important step for many individuals that sets them up for a better future. Of course, you always want the best for your baby, so read on to check out frugal tips, from buying used textbooks to exploring scholarship options that will shield your wallet when paying for your child’s college.  Explore scholarship options  Scholarships are an incredible way to chip away at college costs. There are countless … Read more

What are the advantages of building your own trading algorithm?

There’s no doubt that algorithmic trading is all the rage in the digital age, with this practice responsible for between 60% and 73% of all equity trades completed in the US. This number is forecast to increase incrementally in the future too, with investors keen to leverage the practice’s core benefits such as speed, accuracy, and reduced trading costs. In short, algorithmic trading allows investors to execute a high volume of orders in a short period of time, without compromising on efficiency or profitability. That’s what a trading algorithm can do for you. But what exactly is algorithmic trading, and what are the core benefits of building your own software to achieve this objective? What is Algorithmic Trading? In simple … Read more

5 Ways Mobile Notaries Can Save Your Business Money

As a business owner, keeping a finger on the pulse of your company’s finances is a daily financial health ritual you can’t afford to overlook. While financial savviness may not come as second nature to every entrepreneur,  keeping your business out of the red should be priority number one. And, mobile notaries could help. Though cutting costs is often conflated with cutting corners, a lower-quality result isn’t the inevitable doom of a lower price tag. Are you wondering how you can stimulate cash flow, maximize savings, and improve your bottom line? If so, it’s time to adopt a savings-oriented mindset—the lifeblood of any thriving business.  Note that it is possible to cut costs and expect top-quality results. For those skeptics … Read more