What Businesses Can Learn from Sports

Lead Your Tribe

The following is a guest post by Piyush Patel, author of the forthcoming Lead Your Tribe, Love Your Work. If you’d like to contribute a guest post to Money Q&A, be sure to check out our guest posting guidelines. Sitting down around a table at the popular Bottega restaurant in Napa Valley, my executive team and I settled in for an evening of celebration. The last few months were a flurry of long hours, bug squashing and improving on our new streaming video platform. It felt good to take a step back and celebrated their hard work and a job well done. This was about two years before Netflix offered their own streaming-only plan, so it was venturing into an … Read more

SpotOption CRM and Spot+: Differences from a Technical Point of View

SpotOption CRM and Spot+

Does Your CRM Include Maximum Marketing Automation? A broker in the arena of online trading can only expect to be as successful as the technology powering his or her business allows. The goal here is for the underlying platform to present an effortless frontend and backend. It’s got to be dead simple for the end user (the trader) to use, or they will soon be looking for a new company with which to place their trades. The same goes for the broker running the show. The backend that guides the services and interactions with the client needs to be easy to use and full-featured. With these ideas in mind, Pini Peter and SpotOption have invested heavily in its state-of-the-art Customer … Read more

How to Save for an Early Retirement

Why I love term life insurance

When you’re young and dumb as the saying goes, you don’t really think about things in the future like owning a home, marriage, pensions, and retirement. Retirement is especially a victim of this mindset because people usually retire in their late 60s/mid-70s. That’s a long way away. So it’s understandable why you wouldn’t take it into consideration early in life but there are ways in which you can dramatically reduce this number and all you need is some consistency, restraint, and patience. Allow me to share with you a few tips and ideas that when used wisely, can help you achieve an early retirement.  The Company Pension Scheme Company pension schemes are one of the best ways to save for … Read more

Top 5 Simple Ways to Save Money for Your Next Holiday

Why Online Shopping Is Best for Christmas Shopping

When you’re planning your budget for your next holiday, you might be worried about how much you’re going to have to spend. Or, maybe you’re putting off taking a holiday because you can’t afford it. Either way, there are a number of ways that you can ways to save money for your next holiday so you can enjoy it without breaking the bank. How to Save Money for Your Next Holiday Here are the top 5 ways to save money for your next holiday. House Sit House sitting is a great way to save money for your next holiday. Rather than spending money on rent each month, you can live in somebody else’s house for a time. Recently, there has … Read more

Does Dollar Cost Averaging Really Work? What You Need to Know

Does Dollar Cost Averaging Really Work?

The following is a guest post about dollar cost averaging by Kevin Monk who writes at FinanceForDummies.net, a finance and personal finance blog. If you’d like to submit a guest post to Money Q&A, check out our guest posting guidelines. Investing has always been a complicated proposition for the average person. They know that they should not simply keep their money in savings accounts and certificates of deposit (CDs) since inflation eats up their funds much faster than interest payments replenish them. Most people also know that the stock market is a more attractive vehicle in many cases than bonds or real estate. But the risks of the stock market are clear with every bit of bad news that breaks. Dollar … Read more

Why You Need a Lawyer After an Accident

Why You Should Never Say You Are Sorry After a Car Accident

Car accidents can be devastating for everyone involved. If you find yourself in a car accident, you might be wondering what your next steps are to get the treatment and settlement you deserve. Even if you have insurance, accidents can be costly, and sometimes your insurance company might place an emphasis on keeping their costs down rather than helping you. If you find yourself struggling after a car accident, you need a lawyer after an accident. Here is why you should consult a qualified attorney. Why You Need a Lawyer After an Accident Recover All Potential Damages After a car accident, there are a lot of damages victims might not consider. You might be entitled to payment for medical bills, … Read more