5 Important Tips to Secure Your Rental Property

Save Money and Time with Your Short-Term Rentals

It is your responsibility as a landlord to ensure that your renters are safe. Therefore, you should ensure that your property is secured from break-in and burglary free. By doing this, you will keep your tenants for a long period of time because they will have assured security. Follow these 5 important tips to secure your rental property: 1. Hire a property manager You need to maintain your property to satisfy your renters and ensure that they stay. To achieve this, you are advised to hire an experienced property manager who can help you by maintaining the location, monitoring the area and screening tenants before they start renting. A property manager can help you manage your property if you have … Read more

Will the US Dollar Stand Firm Over Wobbling World Currencies?

World Currencies

To those who don’t pay much attention to these things, the soaring dollar must surely be a good thing. But while some experts, particularly traders on a ‘long’ bet are happy, there are analysts who suggest the value of the dollar should come down, believing its current high level, and it’s on a six-month journey skyward, is bad for US business abroad. Both sides of this argument played out recently when the US Federal Reserve again raised interest rates, a policy that is playing a major role in keeping the USD buoyant against other world currencies. The Fed remains steadfast in its refusal to be swayed from its current policy, and not only that but its current chairman Jerome Powell … Read more

Medicare Enrollment – 2018 Part C Plans

Medicare is a very helpful tool for many seniors, but it can also be incredibly confusing and overwhelming if you don’t know how it works. Medicare is the government’s health insurance plan for seniors aged 65 and older, and it has four parts – A, B, C, and D. Each part functions differently, and many seniors are covered under multiple Medicare parts. What Is Part C? Florida Part C Plans are privatized HMO and PPO plans from commercial insurance providers that are offered specifically for Medicare beneficiaries. They offer the base benefits provided under parts A and B of the bill, but then they can add additional coverage. Many part C plans offer other subsets of medical insurance, such as … Read more

Debt Relief vs. Bankruptcy – What’s the Difference?

Increase Your Earning Potential in No Time

The U.S. economy has seen worse eras. The unemployment rate sits at 3.9%, the GDP is expected to remain between 2% and 3% and inflation/deflation levels are healthy. Yet, most Americans are still in debt. New data shows that around 80% of Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials currently carry debt in the form of either credit cards, mortgages, student loans or medical bills. While each of these debts presents different challenges and solutions, anyone buried in debt is likely looking for a way out. This is where debt relief and bankruptcy enter the conversation. But what’s the difference? Is one strategy better than the other? Does it depend on the type of debt you have? Let’s explore the differences … Read more

Top 6 Money Saving Tax Tips for New Startups

Save Money in Your Small Business

As a startup business, you cannot afford to lose a cent and you will be needing professional help to manage your finances. Numerous accounting firms can aid in providing financial consultations to guide you on your way towards being a stable business entity. Beyond that, there are other tips and tricks to save up on cash during tax season. Listed below are 6 tax tips for new startups for newly opened businesses: 1. Deduct your startup expenses Your startup expenses include everything that you spent before the culmination of your business. As preliminary expenses, you may deduct these from the overall taxable income. This is stated in the Income Tax Act. However, this law states that the preliminary expenses should … Read more

What Will Switching to Card Reading Do to Your Tips

Do you practice excessive tipping?If you’re the owner of a small business that employs people who work for tips, your choice of payment system is holding their livelihood in the palm of your hand. A lot of considerate bar owners, restaurant owners, and more will think twice before they institute any changes that could adversely affect the people who work for them. This is both kindness and practicality.

If you can’t get the people working for you a decent living wage then they’re going to leave, you’re going to have high turnover, and everything that you wanted or worked for is going to blow up in your face. That’s not where anyone wants to be.

So, when you’re looking to trade out the clunky old cash register for something with a bit of a modern flair, you have to consider what it’s going to mean for everyone who depends on you to put some food on the table and let them pay their rent. Well, the results on mobile point of sale systems, credit card reading apps, and more are in and the results are only good.

Tips Fall When People Have to Do Math

If you run a bar, then you know this very well; when people get drunk, tips get crazy. They’re either way too high or way too low, and typically, they’re on the low side. Even drunk people hate doing math and want to save money. That’s why it’s so harsh to get a flat ten dollar tip after serving up complex cocktails all night.

It’s terrible when a drunken person tries to do math and ends up leaving you an 8 percent tip instead of a 15 percent tip. When people have to put in a lot of effort, good tips simply don’t happen. This is the first building block to explain why digital tips are so good when compared to traditional cash or write-in tipping methods.

Present Percentages Send Tips Through the Roof

When businesses make the switch to accepting credit cards for the first time or they change their credit card practices to more easily add tips (say, from making the customer write it in themselves to letting them either select a preset amount like $1 per tap or calculating options for the percentage of their bill (typically 15 percent, 20 percent, and 25 percent)), they see a sudden boom in tips.

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