Insuring Your Assets: How Auto Insurance Can Help to Protect More Than Just Your Car

Tips to Use When You Can't Afford Car Insurance

Nobody likes auto insurance until they get in a car wreck or their car is damaged in a natural disaster or weather event. And even when those times occur, most people do not like dealing with insurance companies. However, auto insurance is necessary for safe roads and accident resolution. That is why the government requires it. What’s more is that auto insurance protects more than just your car. 1) Auto insurance provides peace of mind. Auto insurance is not meant to allow you to be care-free on the road, but it is meant to give you peace of mind as you drive. Having peace of mind can allow you to be confident and calm as you engage in a sometimes … Read more

Silver: Relevant Investment or Relic?

We live in an age where currency has taken many forms. Most of these forms are digital due to the influence of technology. Funds are easily transferred at the push of a button, the singing of a request form, or even at the simple tap of a mobile device’s touchscreen. But there’s a catch. As convenience increases, so do the risks of security breaches. Although it happens very rarely, bank security systems do fail — and when they do, your money gets compromised. One concrete example of this was when Unicredit was hacked last year. To put things into perspective, this bank obviously has access to some of the best security measures that are currently available; yet, that didn’t avert … Read more

Public vs. Private College: Which One Is a Better Investment?

Which is better a public or private college?

The following is a guest post by Irina Vasilescu from the blog, Don’t Pay Full, about which is better a public or private college. If you’d like to guest post on Money Q&A, check out our guest posting guidelines. On the surface, it seems like a simple question to answer. Which is better a public or private college? Which is a better investment? Surely, private colleges are cheaper, get you into less student debt, and you still get to graduate and earn the money back. But the real answer to this question is a whole lot more complex than that. Believe it or not, a private college can even work out cheaper than a public one. It all depends on … Read more

Are Cryptocurrencies a Viable Alternative to the Stock Market?

There’s a lot of talk about cryptocurrency right now, not only between technology enthusiasts but also individual investors and investment firms. The price of a single Bitcoin has risen exponentially over recent years, including a 1,500 percent gain in 2011, and a 130 percent gain in 2016. The current price hovers close to the $9,000 mark, but the market is so volatile that it’s impossible to tell where the price will sit in a year, a month or even a day. So, are cryptocurrencies a viable investment alternative to the stock market? It’s a difficult question to answer, but one that should nearly always start with a warning. Still, cryptocurrency is a new and emerging market, and at this point, … Read more

Back on the Market? 5 Strategies to Find Your Best-Fit Employer

How To Find The Perfect Work Life Balance At Your Job

Finding yourself back in the job market is a bittersweet experience. On the one hand, you’re probably available for a good reason: you’re ready for a new challenge, perhaps, or newly possessed of the confidence that you’re worth more than your previous employer thought. On the other, you actually have to find work. Nevermind that the current labor market is remarkably favorable for job-seekers (and not so favorable for employers). Finding a good-fit employer is a challenge in any economy, no matter how great you look on paper or how bright your references shine. Here’s how to get started. 1. Give Your Resume a Workover Let your resume do some of the hard work. Use cheat sheets like this one as … Read more

Have an SMB? Here are 7 Ways to Reduce Costs Today!

Should I Get a Small Business Loan?

If you are a small-to-medium-size business (SMB) owner, your goal is to generate a healthy cash flow while reducing expenses. This is often a struggle while trying to remain competitive in the fast-paced SMB environment. What can you do to start reducing your costs? Re-Evaluate Your Expenses Take a close and objective look at where you are currently spending your money. Are you spending money on unnecessary things? Only spend your money on what you need to effectively run your business. Before making any new purchases, ask yourself if you really need it, what are the benefits to your business, and will it help increase your profits. Your Website When building your website or online store, rather than paying a … Read more