There are loads of posts around the web which cover student finances, study techniques, and the other parts of life which come when you start going to college or university, making it easy to settle into your new life. A lot of these resources ignore a very important part of this sort of transition, though.
Having been living with parents for a long time, it can be hard to know what lengths you should be taking to stay safe once you become a student. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the key risks which people in this sort of position can face, along with some tools to help you along the way.
On Nights Out
It’s impossible to avoid nights out when you’re first getting into this sort of lifestyle. Of course, though, this is part of the fun of being a student and isn’t something which you should be missing out on to try and keep safe. Instead, knowing the risks and how to overcome them should be enough to keep yourself out of trouble. Below, you can find some examples of the sort of challenges people will often face when they are going on their first nights out.
Fighting: When you visit a club for the first time, it’s very hard to know what you should expect. Some people are out to have a good time, while others will be much more interested in trying to start a fight, and this is something you need to avoid. If someone tries to start something like this with you, it will be best to position yourself as close to a bouncer as possible.
Excess: Even if you’re not going through initiation ceremonies, student drinking can often get a little bit out of hand. When your body isn’t used to this sort of pressure, it can get very risky, making it a good idea to try and moderate yourself. A great way to achieve a goal like this is by only taking out a limited amount of cash, instead of bank cards.
Losing Things: When you’ve had a couple of drinks, it can be very easy to find yourself losing things which are important to you. Wallets, coats, and phones are all worth something to criminals, and you could easily leave something like this behind when you’re a little bit out of it. Thankfully, checking your pockets regularly is an easy habit to build.
Exploring Your New Home
Getting Around
Most students can’t afford to run a car, and this means that you will probably have to rely on other forms of transport when you first get into this lifestyle. While this can look perfectly safe from the outside, it can be hard to know which options to choose when you’re in a new place, and this makes it important to think very carefully about the transport you use. Below, you can find a couple of the more common student options which are available.
Buses: Being filled with members of the public, buses are often one of the safer options to choose when you’re new to a place. In some cities and towns, though, this isn’t the case, and criminals will use these transport methods as a way to carry out their work. This is something which can be researched online, giving you an idea of what to expect before you get there.
Bikes: Riding a bicycle is arguably much safer, as you will be in complete control, and will be able to avoid going near people who could be a risk. This doesn’t consider the fact that some places have very dangerous roads, though, making bike accidents into a very common issue. The amount of other bikes on the road can be a good indication of how safe you will be.
In Your Fresh Digs
Being in a new home is always very exciting, and a lot of people find themselves enjoying the freedom which they’ve never felt before when they become a student. You will be in control of all aspects of your life, ranging from the amount of sleep you get to the food you cook and eat. Of course, though, it isn’t all fun and games. Below, you can find some examples of the risks which make this part of student life very dangerous.
Fires: When people have little experience with tools like cookers, it can be easy to make little mistakes which will have a big impact. This makes fires fairly common in student housing, giving you a good reason to have sensitive smoke alarms, along with working with your housemates to make sure that people are following the right rules in this area.
Security: Keeping a student house secure isn’t much different to achieve the same goal in your normal home. Of course, though, much of the work you will do in this area will be simple checks. Making sure doors and windows are locked is very important, and it will also be worth avoiding having people enter your home unless you know who they are.
Parties: Finally, as the last part of this, it’s time to think about parties, and the impact they can have on student life if you’re not careful. When you host something like this, it will be almost impossible to stop strangers from getting involved. Having at least one person avoiding the drinks for each party will be a good way to stop trouble from erupting.
Hopefully, this post will give you everything you need to start student life on the right foot. A lot of people ignore these areas when they first start studying, making it hard to ensure that everything will go to plan. To make this easier, it will be a good idea to talk to some veteran students when you first arrive on campus. Not only will this give you the chance to make some friends, but it will also give you an early warning about the riskier side of your new home, making it much easier to keep yourself safe.