Is Sunk Cost Fallacy Ruining Your Finances?

The popular A&E television show Hoarders features a range of people struggling with extreme compulsive spending and hoarding behaviors that often impact their living circumstances, relationships, and mental health in a myriad of negative ways. A common pattern that arises during the clean-up phase is the hoarders’ unwillingness to part with items they perceive as having a lot of value, even when those items are clearly broken, useless, or even contaminated. Their rationale for holding onto an excessive amount of items often involves their desire to sell the items, which they paid a lot of money for in the past. However, most non-collectible items begin depreciating the moment you buy them, even if you never use them or even take … Read more

How Your Cognitive Biases Can Hurt Your Investment Returns


In his book, Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions, author Dan Ariely writes, “Wouldn’t economics make a lot more sense if it were based on how people actually behave, instead of how they should behave?” It’s all about our cognitive biases. In the same vein, investors of all backgrounds and net worth levels generally know how they should invest but nevertheless make bad investment decisions like getting deeply involved in penny stocks, gambling on the potential of a new cryptocurrency, trying to “time the market,” or investing much too conservatively for their age, goals and risk tolerance. Unfortunately, beginning and seasoned investors alike are prone to making their own unique, seemingly irrational investment decisions. While it may … Read more

Top 6 Ways Online Retailers Trick You Into Spending More

Well-known psychologist Robert Cialdini published a book in the 1980s entitled Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Although the book is nearly 40 years old at this point, the six principles of persuasion that Cialdini outlined in the book are perhaps even more prominent in the world of retail marketing today. There are many ways retailers trick us into spending more money. How Online Retailers Trick You Into Spending More Those six principles include: Reciprocity: referring to our innate desire to give back when we receive something Scarcity: the perception of limited resources or time Authority: how we perceive things as more legitimate when supported by an “expert” Consistency: we’re more likely to remain loyal to a person or organization who … Read more

Review of Acre Gold – How to Easily Buy Physical Gold Every Month

Investors often flock to gold and other precious metals when the stock market heads south because these tangible investments tend to be less prone to fluctuations based on government policies, global economic conditions, corporate profits and losses, and other common factors influencing the price of financial assets like stocks, bonds, and Treasury notes. I personally love investing with Acre Gold. This isn’t a sales pitch. I simply just love the service and wanted to share it with the Money Q&A readers. But is gold really all it’s hyped up to be? Let’s do some math: in the span of one year (Dec. 2018 to Dec. 2019), the value of gold per ounce rose from approximately $1,220 to $1,463. On a fifteen-year … Read more

The Effects of Stress on Your Finances

Make Retirement Less Stressful

Are you currently or have you ever worried about the state of your financial situation? Whether you’re struggling to pay off debts, living paycheck to paycheck, living with minimal savings, or falling behind on retirement contributions, there’s a good chance you’ve experienced anxiety about your finances at some point in your life. After all, a January 2020 CreditWise survey by Capital One found 73% of Americans rank finances as their #1 cause of stress, significantly more than the rates of stress caused by politics, work, and family. Notably, the survey also found that more than 80% of Millennials and Gen Zers are reportedly stressed out by their personal finances. Still, financial stress isn’t exclusively a younger generation problem, of course. … Read more

Top 6 Simple Negotiation Strategies to Help You Save Money on Rent

Save Money and Time with Your Short-Term Rentals

Whether you’re moving to a new city or you simply want to reduce your budget’s housing category, there are plenty of ways for tenants to potentially negotiate a lower monthly rate on their lease. This is best done at the beginning of a new lease or the end of one about to expire within 2-3 months. Here are some of the best strategies for securing a better price on the home you’re currently renting and save money on rent. Virtual Comparison Shopping If you’re moving soon, you’ve likely been comparison-shopping anyway. However, if your lease is up soon, then why not scope out potential options in your area (even if you’re 0% interested in leaving your current community)? Many of … Read more