You Are 3 Rules Away from Financial Freedom

Smart Choice for Financial Freedom

Wouldn’t it be the best thing in the world to have enough income to not have to work another day in your life? Or at least have the option to work and the financial freedom to do something you enjoy rather than something you hate to keep up with affording your current lifestyle. One of the reasons why most people work up until they’re in old age is because financially they don’t have a choice not to. But it’s not the only way to live, and a lot more people are becoming aware of the term ‘financial freedom’ being a desirable status from a much younger age than the proposed pensioner age. Pay Off Your Debt There is no magical … Read more

6 Reasons Your Business Is Hemorrhaging and Losing Money

Money mistakes can add up

If your business isn’t making a profit and losing money, it’s not a good sign. Without money in the coffers, there is no way to invest in the essentials that you need to succeed. It’s a vicious circle and one that doesn’t end until you make more money or file for bankruptcy. Of the 80% of startups that don’t make it past the first year, a lack of profit is the reason the majority fail. Lots of new businesses find it challenging to stay out of the red because small things can get in the way. Before you know it, they escalate and you’re dying as a result of a thousand tiny paper cuts. Even if they start slowly, they … Read more

Six Tips on How to Make Better Trading Decisions

Trading is a business and requires significant attention. If you plan to make trading decisions about your risks on a daily basis you need to set aside the appropriate time to make sure you are able to monitor your positions and p&l. If you are finding it difficult to generate consistent gains, here are 6-tips that you can use to make better trading decisions. 1. Do Your Homework As mentioned, trading is a business and needs to be treated in that manner. Before you place a trade, make sure you do the appropriate homework to determine if the asset you are evaluating has the ability to help you reach your financial goal. Your homework should include reading the news and … Read more

How to Shop for a Car Loan

If you’re thinking you’ll just get financing at the dealership when you buy your car, you’re setting yourself up to pay too much. How will you know it’s a good deal if you have no frame of reference against which to judge the offer? You’ll be much better off with a pre-approved loan in hand. In addition to feeling more confident about the process, you’ll have a bargaining chip to get you a better deal when you’re at the dealership. Here’s how to shop for a car loan. 1. Start with Your Budget The first thing you need to do is figure out how much you can afford to pay for your new car. Make a list of all your … Read more

8 Quick (and Legal) Ways to Arrange Money in a Difficult Situation

This world runs on money. We work most of our lives to earn a living. An emergency doesn’t come announced, and it becomes even bigger trouble when you don’t have any savings. If you find yourself caught in a difficult situation where you need money, try one of these eight suggestions to arrange money that are most suitable for you. Ask a Friend or Family Member If you can’t rely on them, they aren’t your friends. Family members always support you even when you don’t have the best relationship with them. Be sure to ask for their support before you try any other way to arrange money. Take Out Advance from Credit Card Even if there is no money in … Read more

8 Surefire Ways Your Business Can Drive Sales

When you’re an entrepreneur, you’ll likely feel that your business is your pride and joy. It takes such dedication and creativity to have a great business idea, build it from scratch, and nurture its growth. The growth of a business relies upon its potential for longevity, and you need to drive sales. If you want a company that lasts and grows, you’ll need to be thinking of ways that you can continue and improve your sales. With these ideas in mind, let’s consider some surefire ways that your business can drive sales.  Content Marketing   If your business doesn’t already have a blog, then you’ll want to create one to drive your sales over time. Providing content on your website that’s … Read more