Four Things You Can Do Now That Will Keep You Debt Free Forever

Keep You Debt Free Forever

Debt isn’t something that most people want hanging around their necks if they can help it. In fact, for many folks, it is there current goal to get rid of any debts they owe. This is, of course, a wonderful thing, however, sometimes we need to think bigger than just the debts we have now. Sometimes, we need to think about the things that can help us clear our debts and keep it that way. To help with this check out the strategies below. Create a budget with realistic expectations Budgets can often be great works of fiction, of idealized lives where we spend nothing and save everything, paying off our debts in the shortest time possible. Unfortunately, that isn’t … Read more

How to Get on Your Feet After You Graduate

Get on Your Feet After You Graduate

College graduates are having a harder time than ever to get back into the ‘civilian’ way of living. Fewer jobs are out there for people who are qualified in that field due to the impossible amounts of experience required, and buying a house seems impossible until about 10 years down the line. So your student loans are now sitting on your shoulder in the form of a debt, and you’ve got to find yourself a job to start paying it back whilst truly living at the same time. It’s confusing to even think about so use these tips! Remember that You’re Young and Free So one part of your brain may be overjoyed at the prospect of no more deadlines … Read more

Cost-Saving Hacks When You Embark Upon Adult Education

Go Back to School for Adult Education

Making the decision to go back into education as an adult is never a simple one. It’s a decision you have to take seriously, carefully weighing up the pros and the cons, and ensuring that you are going to be able to carry on your life even with the extra weight of studying. However, when you do make that decision, it can be revolutionary. It can signify the beginning of an entirely new chapter in your life, giving you the scope to take a little stress today in exchange for a more promising tomorrow. It’s tough, but it’s a sacrifice worth making. It’s also a sacrifice that will, eventually, allow you to recoup your investment. The better your qualifications, the … Read more

Important Money Lessons You Can Learn from Your Grandparents

Money Lessons You Can Learn

Not everything about the past was amazing. There’s no golden age that we can pin down, even though some people like to think there is. But we can still learn a lot from the past and from the wisdom of previous generations. When you want good money advice to follow, it’s often best to get it from the people who had it hardest. If you hardly have two cents to rub together, you really learn how to manage your money out of necessity. Plus, older generations had different attitudes and different things available to them. There were less choice and less throwing things away. Try these old-fashioned money management and saving tips if you want to improve your finances. You … Read more

These Personal Troubles Could Cripple Your Finances

Personal Troubles Could Cripple Your Finances

We often think that the only serious financial issue that we need to watch out for is redundancy or a loss of work, but that’s not true. The reality is that there are a massive amount of occurrences and problems in life that can lead to financial worries. Let’s look at a few and make sure that you are aware how to deal with them if they become a threat in your life. We can start by thinking about a common occurrence for people who are married. Uh Oh You’re Getting Divorced You might think that this is unlikely, but actually, it isn’t. In fact, the divorce rate is around fifty percent, so you’re essentially flipping a coin whenever you … Read more

Escape the Weight of Your Crushing Debt

Escape the Weight of Your Crushing Debt

At a certain point, debt can become an unconquerable force that you can not escape, no matter how hard you try. You can literally begin to feel the weight of it start to push down on you. It will shatter your personal life, make work even more stressful and can even crush your relationships. Just think about if you have to start asking your friends and family for money constantly. Now you’re not a brother or a friend, you’re a leech. Or at least that’s how you’ll feel even if they don’t see it that way. The question we need to answer then is what you should do when your debt becomes unmanageable. When it starts to crush you, how … Read more