It is often complicated to find a job when you have zero experience in any sphere. While one option is to opt for Payday Depot loans to get you through the financial difficulties, you can also try to apply for part-time jobs that typically don’t require any previous experience. We have compiled a list of part-time jobs you can explore and find the one that fits your goals and skillset best.
With the development of online commerce, couriers are often required. Even young people with no work experience are willingly hired to deliver pizza, flowers, gifts, mail, food, and other items. However, the job requirements are not the simplest.
To succeed at courier tasks, you need to have stamina and good knowledge of the city since you have to understand how to get to various destinations using different means of transportation. Besides, if you own a bike, scooter, or car, it will be much easier for you to land such a job.
Mascot Performer
If you have artistic talent, you can look for the position of a mascot in shopping and entertainment centers, amusement parks, event agencies, and children’s summer camps. This vacancy is suitable for active, sociable people and can vary from handing out leaflets, dressed in a mascot costume to performing songs and dances.
This job is perfect for animal lovers! Try offering neighbors and friends to walk their dogs, take care of cats, and other pets while the owners are on vacation. Gather as much knowledge about pet sitting as you can, and remember to take photos with every animal you take care of for your professional portfolio (with the owners’ consent, of course). Then, head over to pet sitting apps, such as PetSitter, where even more clients can see your profile and hire you!
Restaurant Server
With cafes, snack bars, fast food restaurants, and terraces reopening after the lockdown measures, they are in urgent need of waiters. Although some fine dining restaurants often require skilled workers, other establishments are happy to accept employees who have zero experience in the field but are motivated and eager to learn. Also, remember that tips are a great bonus on top of your monthly salary!
Sales Representative
Whether it is your local grocery shop or your go-to clothing store chain, you can totally land a sales representative job having little to no experience in retail. Don’t be afraid to hand your CV over personally at the store of choice, as chances are your personality will stand out from the crowd better than an online application. Also, leave the worries about having no experience behind and focus on making a positive first impression on your potential employer.
Be Ready to Apply Multiple Times
Nearly every person has encountered rejection when applying for their first job. However, do not take such situations close to heart and keep sending applications. After all, there are hundreds of workplaces waiting for you out there!