Coping in the Aftermath of a Burglary

Aftermath of a Burglary

Returning home, or even waking up on a morning, to find that you have been burgled is a terrible thing. It can take a long time to feel safe and secure within your property again and can have an impact on many areas of your everyday life. Continue reading for our top tips for coping in the aftermath of a burglary.

How to Cope After a Burglary

Immediate action

Upon immediate realization that intruders have been in your property and stolen from you, it is vital that you call the authorities straight away. Do not touch anything at all and resist the temptation to go treading through the house.

If you do so, you may destroy crucial evidence and thus any chance the police have of tracking down the perpetrators. Be sure to call a close family member or friend to find someone to be there by your side while the investigation is ongoing. It can be a difficult process to deal with.


As soon as the property has been assessed, you will need to ascertain which items of yours have gone missing. If you have been sensible and kept photographs and receipts of valuable items, such as jewelry, this is usually a much easier process. Call your insurance company and explain the situation.

They will tell you the next steps to follow. However, you very well may need further help for dealing with an insurance adjuster as it can be a complicated process. It can take a while to get any form of payout from your insurance company, so it is vital to be patient. However, being assertive is also important. A willingness to follow up on matters and find out the latest on your case can help to speed it up.

Mental wellbeing

Anger, sadness, fear, and frustration are all perfectly normal emotions associated with major traumas and that is what a burglary can be for many people. It is also likely that you will feel violated as your personal property may have been sifted through and there may be damage to your home or several items you considered valuable or beautiful.

You may find it takes a while to process what has happened and to get back to a point where you feel safe in your home. Staying with a close friend or relative for a while, particularly if you dwell alone, might be a good option. Just having someone to talk to rather than focusing purely on what has happened and what could happen again is useful. If these emotions continue for a sustained period of time, it would be worthwhile contacting a professional to discuss the next steps with them.

Securing your home

A burglary does not automatically mean that your home was not as secure as it could have been. However, it could indicate some weaknesses in the way you secure your property. Independent assessors can come in and explain which areas need updated and securing further.

Furthermore, investing in an advanced security system can deter potential burglars. Knowing that there are cameras in your house to record any intruders can also make you feel much better about the situation.

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