Still not sure on how to use your credit card? When is it too much and when is it completely okay? It’s completely fine if you use your credit card for anything under the sun (or under the roofs of your precious mall). As long as you’re paying your monthly debt on time, there’s no way that you should be in trouble.
Still not convinced? The following are the reasons why you should definitely use your credit card, and don’t let it rot in your wallet.
Why You Should and How to Use Your Credit Card
Quick and easy
You no longer have to shell out cash whenever you’re in the mall. You no longer have to get in line just so you can withdraw money from the ATM. Just a single swipe and your transactions are good to go. There are many great options for small businesses too like a portable credit card swipe machine to complete transactions. Many small businesses may even be eligible to receive a free credit card terminal.
Computerized billing
Complete hassle free transactions guaranteed! Your utility bill, cell phone bill, and anything else you pay monthly can be paid automatically through the help of your credit card. It’s a load off your mind, no need to stress out because you don’t have to remember countless due dates, or try to think back if you paid a certain bill or not.
Then you’ll just have one date to remember—the due date for your credit card! Your credit card keeps you updated with your monthly bills and transactions, so you never have to worry ever again.