Top 4 Simple Rules for Choosing an Investment Fund Manager

An investment fund is a good option for people that want a more hands-off investment. Having somebody else manage your investments for you and make the decisions is ideal if you are fairly new to investing and you worry about getting it wrong. But there are a lot of people out there that advise against fund managers because they underperform. However, an investment fund can still be the right choice, as long as you pick the right fund, and that’s often easier said than done. If you are considering putting your money into an investment fund, here’s how to go about choosing an investment fund manager.  Ignore the Big Funds  Most people assume that the big funds that handle lots … Read more

Top 7 Adulting Money Questions You Need To Ask to Be Successful

Preparing your finances is a tough job at any stage of your life. However, it’s fair to say that managing your pocket money as a child is only a slim preparation for the challenges you’re going to face as an adult. Indeed, throughout your adult life, you will have to face a lot of difficult decisions and adulting money questions to keep your budget in the green and avoid devastating money problems. The truth is that financial know-how is not something you can build over time for the very good reason that some mistakes are too costly to be ever fixed. As a result, if you are to navigate your wealth to safety and stability, as an adult, you need … Read more

Top 5 Saving Rules to Use Every Day and Increase Your Net Worth

Dave Ramsey’s Baby Step One - $1,000 Emergency Fund In The Bank

Budgeting your money each month might not be something that you look forward to, but it is one of the most important things you can do to maintain financial independence. The more you know about the amount of money that you have coming into your bank accounts each month, and the amount of cash that you have going out, the easier it is to avoid over-spending and getting yourself into problems. There are some saving rules you need to follow. Top 5 Saving Rules The good news is that if you dread the idea of saving, there are some quick steps you can take to make your budgeting experience more sleek and streamlined. Today, we’ve put together a list of … Read more

Could Social Media Be Ruining Your Finances?

How to Make Money with Social Media

Did you know that there are over 3.2billion daily active social media users? Or that we spend an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes browsing through our favorite social media channels? When you take these stats into account, it’s easy to see just how powerful these platforms can be, and businesses have certainly caught onto that trend. With 73% of all marketers believing that their social media marketing efforts have been somewhat or very effective for their business, studies are suggesting that social media could be one of the key influencers on how we spend our finances. Studies also suggest that more and more of us are ruining our financial situations thanks to the influence of social media – … Read more

How to Choose a Financial Planner

Do not forget to follow up from a business conference.

How to Choose a Financial Planner A financial planner, or financial advisor, can help you get a clearer picture of what your financial picture actually looks like; from savings accounts to expenses, to where your investment accounts currently stand. Do you know how to how to choose a financial planner? Having an expert set eyes on something like finances is always a good idea, as the average person can miss some pretty important details without help. Check Credentials The last thing you want is someone who isn’t qualified for the job handling your finances. This can lead to financial disaster or even ruin if the person you’ve hired has no idea what they’re doing. Make no mistake; there are people … Read more

How to Easily Manage a Successful Small Business Pivot in Today’s Market

Sometimes in business, we hit a standstill and need a small business pivot. We’ve pushed and tried our best, we’ve explored options, we’ve done what everyone has told us to, we’ve read everything that we can about growing our business, and we’ve asked for help. Yet nothing is working. Our company isn’t growing, it might even be losing money, and we don’t know what to do.  Sometimes, when you feel stuck, there is something that you have yet to try, and the best thing that you can do is stick it out, keep trying and give your changes the chance to take hold. But, on other occasions, you need to pivot.  A pivot is quite common in small businesses and … Read more