5 Reasons It Is Wise to Shop for Mortgages

How To Make Preparing To Apply For A Mortgage Go Smoothly

For many people, a mortgage represents the single largest credit source they will ever use. With houses costing hundreds of thousands these days, applying for a mortgage can be a scary thing. Know this though: shopping around is wise. Anyone planning to purchase a home in the near future would do well to start shopping for mortgages well before they begin looking at properties. The truth of the matter is that not all mortgages are alike. Furthermore, not all of them represent good deals. Some of them are downright bad deals that should be ignored entirely. The thing is, you will not know unless you shop around. Shopping for mortgages is a lot like shopping for car insurance. Still not … Read more

3 Tricks You Should Be Aware of When Getting a Loan

Why Auto Loan Fraud Soars

People need money for different purposes and goals, and sometimes being short on money can cause distress and waste opportunities. Not everyone has emergency savings and debtless bank accounts, most people need to borrow money at some point in their lives. Loans are being taken out constantly to cover urgent bills and consolidate their accounts. Taking out a loan has always been a double-edged weapon; it could turn your life around for the better or the worse depending on how you plan your decisions. There are some tricks that you should be aware of before you apply for a loan. We’ll cover the best 3 tips that could help you understand the bigger picture.  1. Identifying the Reasons The first … Read more

Smart Ways to Handle Personal Finances for College Students

Should You Take Out Private Student Loans for College?

Oh, college. It’s the time where many new adults gain a semblance of independence from their parents. College is synonymous with everything young, with education pretty far down on the list. And, students need to learn personal finance for college students. In many instances, it is the time to make mistakes and form your adult habits that, whether good or bad, tend to carry on into the later years. One aspect about college that is often overlooked is the complete lack of financial responsibility among college students. High schools across the world put an emphasis on classes such as trigonometry and advanced placement literature. Very little of their time and resources are spent giving practical knowledge like how to save … Read more

Debunking 5 Personal Bankruptcy Myths

Divorce Hurt Your Finances

For most people, the word “bankruptcy” is the scariest term in the financial vocabulary; except perhaps for “Great Recession” or “IRS audit.” Granted, filing for personal bankruptcy is a dramatic step that has significant, far-reaching consequences. It’s not something anyone feels great about. There are no bankruptcy parties, or “congratulations on filing for bankruptcy!” cards (not even the cheesy or sarcastic e-card variety). However, with this being said, there are some enduring myths about personal bankruptcy that prevent some people who should head down that road, from doing so and eventually restoring their financial health. Here are five costly personal bankruptcy myths that you or someone you care about should steer clear of… Myth #1: If you file for bankruptcy, … Read more

What Are Modern Day Investments? And Why You Need to Know About Them

Investments used to be merely depositing large amounts of money into a bank or savings account or maybe buying some shares. However, now, there are many different ways that you can invest some money and hopefully see a significant return on that investment with modern day investments. Of course, as with any investment, it’s best to take some financial advice, I’m an independent financial advisor. Especially if you are thinking of investing a large amount of money. But if you’re going to make an investment, it’s worth looking at all the options that are currently available and discovering new opportunities and modern-day investments that you may not have considered before.  Peer-to-peer loans Peer-to-peer loans are a relatively new idea, facilitated … Read more

Top 13 Simple Tips You Need to Know About Moving for a New Job

Starting a new job is stressful enough, without putting relocating on your plate. Between packing up your house and looking for a new one, it is difficult to know what to do first. Whether you hate your job or just want a change, moving for a job gives you a completely fresh start. Top Tips on Moving for a Job However, without proper planning, the long and complicated process can turn from being an exciting experience to a total nightmare moving for a job. Thankfully, regardless of your timeline, it is possible to make relocating easier for everyone. With that in mind, here are thirteen moving tips you must know.  1. Ask About Relocation Benefits When moving to a specific … Read more