How Crypto Scams Are Conning Millions of People Out of Life Savings Every Year

The following is a guest post by Erica Stanford, author of Crypto Wars: Faked Deaths, Missing Billions and Industry Disruption. If you’d like to submit a guest post like this one about crypto scams or any other topic, please check out the Money Q&A guest posting guidelines. Crypto hacks and scams are big news and are getting more sophisticated by the day. Where a few years ago, one could look at the larger scams, and in the vast majority of cases, see signs of a Ponzi scheme or at least see an indication that all was not well, today, scams are almost indistinguishable, in some cases, from what they are intending to replicate. It can now be very hard to … Read more

5 Realities to Guide You When You Choose Your Retirement Plan

Choosing a retirement plan is no easy task. There are many different factors to consider, and the options can be overwhelming at times. Therefore, take your time when making this decision. In this blog post, we will guide you through some of the realities of choosing a retirement plan so that you know what to expect! Your Retirement Budget If not the most common way of investing for retirement, one way is through a 401(k) plan built into your job or workplace. This type of account accumulates earnings from employer contributions and employee deductions on their paychecks.  The IRA (Individual Retirement Account) is a personal retirement account funded with money from your paycheck or any savings you may have. IRAs … Read more

Looking the Part – Top 5 Professional Dress Tips to Look Better

business casual

Success is, in large part, about knowing your stuff. However, it’s also about ensuring other people know that you know your stuff and, to that end, the impression you make in business matters a lot. How you appear and dress plays a big role in that, as well. Here are dress tips and how you should dress in business, and what your outfit communicates to others. Professional Dress Tips to Look Better Fit matters more than anything Your choice of colors, materials, and the like are all choices to think about, sure. However, what matters most of all is that your clothes fit you as best as possible. This means taking the time to get to know your size or, … Read more

6 Financial Considerations to Make Right After Getting Married

Just Married? You Need to Have a Budget!

In an ideal world, we would all be on the same page as our life partner when it comes to money management practices and even just basic openness and honesty about finances. However, the reality is that people rarely dedicate enough time to discussing the financial side of being in a committed relationship until after they get married. Whether you know very little about your fiancé’s finances or you’re both completely open with each other about your individual and shared financial situations, here are 6 considerations to your married finances that you should make while engaged or immediately after you get married. Who’s the Money Manager? How will you manage money when you begin your new life together? If you’ve … Read more

How to Finance Your Dream Wedding

Save for a Wedding

Weddings cost a lot of money with the average cost rising to $33,900 in 2019. Over the next year, wedding expenses are expected to rise given the higher demand and rising costs of supplies and services. According to experts, weddings could become more expensive year over year, so it is important to prepare financially if you are going to hold your dream wedding. Wedding Financing which is a major part of the preparatory process will ensure that you have adequate funds to pay for the venue, bridal entourage, ring, and all the vendors. Budgeting Is a Big Part of It A budget is nothing new, but it is a critical part of your wedding. Tracking how much you spend and cutting down on expenses … Read more

How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing

Real estate is the most popular way to earn passive income and amass wealth. However, if you want a good return on your investment, it’s critical you are well-equipped with the right information before laying your money down. In this article, we’ll take a look at 8 great tips to help you get started in real estate investing.  How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing 1. Evaluate your financial state Before diving into real estate investment, it’s essential you have a good idea of what you’re worth and what you can afford to set aside. Your assets won’t make money overnight, so it’s best not to invest any money you’ll need in the short term.  At this point, you … Read more