5 Home Renovation Projects that Have the Worst Return on Investment

Not all home improvement projects come with a high return on your investments. In fact, some home renovations can be downright disastrous for your budget and home value if you don’t do some careful research in advance to avoid throwing your money down the drain. It’s all about home-buying trends and preferences of potential buyers in your area. While “smart” appliances and home security upgrades are currently popular, you might be surprised to learn that luxurious additions to your home or backyard might actually hurt your home’s resale value! Why? Because buyers increasingly want low-maintenance homes for affordable prices, rather than flashy décor and immaculate landscaping that will require tons of time, effort, and money to maintain.  No matter what … Read more

Top 4 Investments Every New Parent Should Make

When you’re preparing to have a baby, long-term considerations like paying for college tuition seem relatively unimportant compared to more immediate concerns. Instead, you’re likely thinking about nursery room furniture, diapers, formula, and childcare. However, the earlier you begin saving for the future, the better off your child will be in their teens and twenties. Here are investments new parents should make… Top 4 Investments New Parent Should Make 529 College Savings Plan There are two types of 529 plans, prepaid tuition plans and savings plans. Prepaid tuition plans apply to one “qualified educational institution,” like accredited or nonprofit universities. Savings plans are typically applied to any college your child wishes to attend. Each state has its own 529 college plan, … Read more

Public vs. Private College: Which One Is a Better Investment?

Which is better a public or private college?

The following is a guest post by Irina Vasilescu from the blog, Don’t Pay Full, about which is better a public or private college. If you’d like to guest post on Money Q&A, check out our guest posting guidelines. On the surface, it seems like a simple question to answer. Which is better a public or private college? Which is a better investment? Surely, private colleges are cheaper, get you into less student debt, and you still get to graduate and earn the money back. But the real answer to this question is a whole lot more complex than that. Believe it or not, a private college can even work out cheaper than a public one. It all depends on … Read more

Top 4 Crazy Investments to Make in Animals Instead of the Stock Market

Whether you simply love animals or you’re looking for more diversified investment options for your portfolio, there are some fantastic and terrible investments related to the animal and pet industries. As Forbes reports, the value of the pet care industry is skyrocketing, thanks to more and more Americans opting to have dogs, cats, and horses instead of children. As of 2017, the pet care industry is worth nearly $70 billion in the U.S. alone, as pet owners add more four-legged members to their families and spend money on everything from pet clothing to customized bedding for their animals. In addition to the pet care market, livestock and agricultural markets appear to be on the upswing thanks to growing consumer demand. … Read more

The Advantages of Investing in Dividend Reinvestment Plans (DRIPs)

Dividend Reinvestment Plan

Note – The following blog post contains affiliate links. If you click and purchase a service recommended here, I receive a small compensation that helps keep Money Q&A running. All opinions expressed are my own. Dividends are an important factor in making any investment decision. They have a significant impact on the overall return of a particular investment. That’s why I love dividend reinvestment plans. While in the short term it may not seem like you could gain much from reinvesting small amounts of dividends, over the long-term you could be missing out on significant gains from the effect of compounding interest. One of the easiest ways to maximize investments in dividend stocks is through dividend reinvestment plans, or DRIP for short. There … Read more

4 Incredibly Important Investments Every New Parent Should Make

When you’re preparing to have a baby, long-term considerations like paying for college tuition seem relatively unimportant compared to more immediate concerns like nursery room furniture, diapers, formula, and childcare facilities. However, the earlier you begin saving for the future, the better off your child will be. Investments parents should make 529 College Savings Plan There are two types of 529 college savings plans, prepaid tuition plans, and savings plans. Prepaid tuition plans apply to one “qualified educational institution” (accredited, nonprofit universities). Savings plans are typically applied to any college your child wishes to attend. Each state has its own 529 college plan, though the benefits of these savings plans are relatively similar. Although contributions to the 529 plans are … Read more